The Senior Financial Navigator Program is a free service connecting Milwaukee County residents with trained Financial Coaches to receive one-on-one coaching with managing their financial issues. Coaches help clients:
Meet daily living expenses
Maximize income
Manage Debt
Budget for loss or reduction of income
Access other social services
The Coach and client will identify next steps during the session.
Our next steps
Review your finances
Make a budget
Get connected to resources

Financial Services to Manage your Money
The Senior Financial Navigator program provides one-on-one financial counseling to assist senior Milwaukee County residents transitioning to a fixed income or:
have lost a spouse
lack access to credit
have difficulty budgeting
need assistance opening or maintaining a financial services account
need assistance navigating financial services to increase their financial wellness
Trained Coaches provide structured guidance helping older adults strategize to address disruptions to their income and other financial concerns. We provide assistance managing expenses, prioritizing payments, and maximizing income by ensuring receipt of federal, state, and other benefits.
The Senior Financial Navigator initiative helps residents deal with financial issues.

Call 414-882-7430 or Sign Up Online
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm
By Appointment Only
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